Maria-Louise Genet
At first, my main goal was to get my health back. I was recovering from a burnout and noticed that the supplements were really helping me. Gradually, I started to feel better, and I didn’t want to stop taking these supplements that are made from natural ingredients, which actually work in the body (unlike all the synthetic chemicals from the pharmaceutical industry). I can trust Beyuna 100% that no synthetic fillers, excipients, or colorants are used in the final product, and every batch is tested for doping-related substances. This is really exceptional compared to companies that only do random sampling of their products.
Beyuna’s supplements are expensive because the production process is much different and far more intensive than what you’ll find in the factories of the chemical industry that run 24/7. While the chemical industry relies on automated processes and synthetic vitamin C that’s often derived from unnatural sources, Beyuna works with suppliers whose ingredients come from farmers who don’t spray their land. For example, Amla berries are harvested only once a year. The farmers (and fishermen) are paid fair wages, and there’s no child labor. These are all values that matter to me, especially since I have a background as a law professor in soil and human rights, medical liability, and contract law.
During the Academy, you learn so much about all of this and then you understand why these products are priced differently than supplements you’d find at the drugstore. There’s still a lot of manual labor involved, and fully automated capsule machines can’t always be used, so the production process is slower than with companies that are fully automated. Plus, the capsules are of extremely high quality, unlike most capsules made from gelatin (animal byproducts) or chlorine-bleached wood fibers (HPMC), which can cause digestive issues or lead to unintended ingestion of hormones, antibiotics, pharmaceutical residues, and other toxins without the consumer knowing. This is exactly why the products aren’t sold in stores, but only through individual distributors. We take knowledge transfer seriously.
It took me some time to realize the unique opportunity that Beyuna offers to people who, for whatever reason, no longer fit into the system, especially truth-seekers and truth-tellers. Once I fully understood this, a whole new world opened up to me, and now I wouldn’t want to do anything else. The opportunity to run a business independently with Beyuna’s support is truly a blessing.
"If you dare to take the leap, it’s one of the best things that could happen to you."
Well on my way to financial independence
I’ve regained most of my health and am on my way to financial independence. That means freedom, and for me, freedom is the most important value in life. I want to be able to speak, think, and work freely. But with freedom comes responsibility, which isn’t for everyone. However, if you take this leap, it’s one of the best things that could happen to you. I’m incredibly grateful to Beyuna for all the opportunities it has given me. I don’t know any other company that is so ethical and transparent in everything they do. I believe I’ve learned more in this past year than I did in seven years of law school and legal training.
I’m honestly curious to see where I’ll be in five or ten years or where the world will be. We’re living in very turbulent and confusing times, and I feel like we’re in the eye of the storm. It’s important to stay focused and keep our course, navigating carefully and letting the dot on the horizon guide us.
What I find most beautiful about Beyuna is that the money in the world is distributed in a very different way from what we’re used to with multinationals. Here, the money goes to the people actually doing the work, not to pointless advertising agencies or big investment firms that drain the local economy. In these corporations, financial interests take priority, and they often ignore corrupt practices. But at Beyuna, people are central: ‘health over profit,’ as it should be.
Distributors are first and foremost ambassadors (not salespeople). We use the products ourselves and, through weekly training for those who want it, we deepen our knowledge of the products and their active ingredients so we can help others make informed choices. We’re compensated for these recommendations. This is a much fairer way of working. It’s also a smarter way of working; we help each other, and everyone benefits. The money doesn’t leak away but stays in the local economy. In short: a beautiful way of working that benefits everyone.